In life, people face so many unmanageable situations which they call problems. One needs 100% concentration to deal with these problems but that doesn’t happen with most people. Every problem has its own response time which can vary from say to even one year or more as well. The fact is before the response time of one problem is over another problem comes which again has its own response time and so on. Thus there is an overlapping of response times. As a result, one is unable to give 100% concentration to any of the problems. So what to do?
The focus must be to reduce the response time to the minimum because if not managed then the response time becomes the tension time. And if the response time is reduced to say one minute or less for every problem situation then there will not be any overlapping at all. The only way to reduce the response time to the minimum is to develop the habit of taking correct and quick decisions – correct as of the first step.
Focus on 10 problems and 10 minutes approach. The method is to keep on writing all of your problems and keep one time fixed as problem-solving time. Tackle all the problems in a row one by one. Because every problem is different so you will gradually develop the habit to make correct and quick decisions. Same way for your meetings in the office, call 10 people at one time only say 11 am and talk to each one – one after another. This way you will be able to reduce your response time to the minimum and at the same time, you will be able to give 100% concentration to each person or the situation.