Procrastination is a natural phenomenon because of three primary reasons. The first one is the lack of priority. Ask yourself, “Why do I need to do this?’ If the logic is strong then it is a sure sign that you can not procrastinate but if the logic is weak then why to do it in the first place itself.
The second reason is the fear of failure and accordingly the third one is lack of thorough preparation. Just as an analogy; when you cook a dish, the final delicious taste can only be experienced when the dish is ready but even during it’s semi final stage it is perhaps not worth eating – tasteless. Same is true with your tasks, most of the people are afraid of the negative final outcome. Accepting the failure before it is declared is mere foolishness. Perhaps the final touch, the fine tuning is a must to get the most desirable results. This fear of failure leads to procrastination.
But how to overcome the fear of failure thus how to overcome procrastination. The process is simple and practical. Define the goal clearly and specifically – define the logic on why you want to do it; develop an elaborate strategic planning. The most important point is not to initiate the performance till you gain step by step clarity of the strategic planning. This process will instill in you the powerful motivation and you will have no reason to procrastinate at all.
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